NC State’s 2019-20 class of University Faculty Scholars was announced today, including recipients Alper Bozkurt and Brian Floyd, both professors of electrical and computer engineering. They join 22 other early- and mid-career faculty receive this designation due to their significant academic achievements and contributions to NC State through their teaching, scholarship, and service to the university and greater community.
Since the University Faculty Scholars program began in 2012, 170 faculty have received this honor. Faculty members selected as University Faculty Scholars carry the title for the duration of their faculty appointment at NC State and receive an increase to their base salary.

Alper Bozkurt
Bozkurt joined NC State in August 2010. His research interests include the development of microscale sensors, actuators, and methodologies to unlock the mysteries of biological systems with an aim of engineering these systems directly or developing new engineering approaches by learning from these systems.

Brian Floyd
Floyd joined NC State in January 2010. His research interests include multi-Gb/s wireless transceivers, mmWave passive and active imagers, silicon phased-array transceivers, 3-D RF, digitally assisted/digitally-replaced RF systems, and manufacturable antenna-in-package approaches.
Colleges submit nominations for assistant professors appointed for a second term, associate professors, and professors within the first three years of their appointment. Senior faculty then review nominations, evaluating them on research and scholarship productivity, excellence in teaching and mentoring, and leadership in extension, professional societies, and public service initiatives.
ECE Faculty Awards
Our faculty come from all walks of life and from around the world, bringing expertise and passion to make a positive impact on the world. We’re excited to recognize their accomplishments with departmental awards, as well as take note of their accolades at all levels.
This year’s class of University Faculty Scholars includes:
Kimberly Allen, associate professor of agricultural and human sciences
Alper Bozkurt, professor of electrical and computer engineering
Ashley Brown, assistant professor of biomedical engineering
Emiel DenHartog, associate professor of textile engineering, chemistry and science
Umut Dur, associate professor of economics
Anna Egalite, assistant professor of educational leadership, policy and human development
Tiegang Fang, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
Brian Floyd, professor of electrical and computer engineering
DeLeon Gray, associate professor of teacher education and learning sciences
Derek Ham, assistant professor of graphic design and industrial design
Katie Jennings, associate professor of horticulture science
Cristina Lanzas, associate professor of population health and pathobiology
Jeff Mielke, professor of English
Shevaun Neupert, professor of psychology
Peter Ojiambo, professor of entomology and plant pathology
Christopher Osburn, associate professor of marine, earth and atmospheric sciences
Benjamin Reading, assistant professor of applied ecology
Reade Roberts, associate professor of biological sciences
Lynsey Romo, associate professor of communication
Erik Santiso, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering
Robert Scheller, professor of forestry and environmental resources
Erin Seekamp, professor of parks, recreation and tourism management
Ross Sozzani, associate professor of plant and microbial biology
Casey Theriot, assistant professor of population health and pathobiology